Wednesday, August 5, 2009


It is coming up on almost two years since we started Beauty 212.

I have learned a lot from the public all around the world and you have helped me to challenge the experts we have featured thus far.

It has been brought to my attention by consumers and through the media that people have lost trust in corporations, our national leaders, and so many other things.

I gave this problem some thought, and wondered about what I could do to make a difference and rebuild that trust again.

With that in mind my clients and some of our viewers have asked for us to put together a store that sells some of the products "they just can't believe work" so it can all be in one place...the best of the best.

So I am proud to announce that Beauty 212 will be launching MS APOTHECARY over the next few weeks. We hope to be a beacon in the industry of trust with products that work for everyone. Every product works in theory, but we will soon bring truth to reality. As consumers we all deserve the best. It's a start to help make the world a more trustworthy place.

Don't worry. Beauty 212 will continue to exist.

Thanks for all of your support and help for us to grow.

We look forward to helping you put your best foot forward.

xoxo mary schook

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